Apr 17
Photo Updates,Site UpdatesComments (0) After much tedium, the new format photo galleries are up and running! Notice on the sidebar we removed the old folder browser used by the old gallery software and have added simple text links to help you navigate where you want to go.
Each of the “X’s Photos” pages has a link to all of its contained galleries (labeled by month and year, just like the old gallery). Clicking on any of those galleries will get you to a gallery browse page where you can click on any image to see the fullsize version. When viewing the fullsize version, there are links in the bottom (white) part to go to the next and previous image without leaving the fullsize browser.
Next projects are getting caught up (again) on photos and posts and getting the guestbook up and running again (special request from Mommy!). We should also be adding some more title bar images in the near future.
We’ve also touched up the format of the sidebar and added small icons in a couple places for extra polish. 🙂 Please enjoy and let us know what you think!
P.S. We have noticed some problems with how the galleries show up in firefox and safari so if you use either of those browsers, that’s why things might look a bit funny (it’s 2 against 1, so that means internet explorer is probably the one that’s actually displaying it wrong ;). We’ll be working on this in the near future as well…